I spend a solid amount of time and energy working to stay current with what music is being made that strikes me as vital. Aoratos is a new black metal entity from the U.S. from the same horde that gave birth to the acts Akhlys, Nothbringer, and Bestia Arcana. I love records by all of those groups and consider this to be one of the most potent circles in black metal today. Earlier this year I did a deep dive into old school death metal. This music really made me want to gravitate away from guitar centered music that is made using a digital audio workstation. Still, here came this record by Aoratos. The drums sound like a typwriter set to a grid on an average out of the box consumer grade laptop software. Still... their sound beckons me inward. Refusing to recognize this music as vital just because of its digital cleanliness would be like ruling out the use of computer generated imagery in visual art. Going beyond the surface qualities of the music and its execution reveals a dark art at work. This record has arresting guitar work and vocal delivery, as well as innovative song structures. It's solid stuff that I find to be greater than the sum of its parts. People are now saying MSG isn't actually bad for you at all.
_DJ Duck Sauce