s.i.n.i.s.t.r.o.u.s. d.i.a.b.o.l.u.s. - 'ii' (2016)
a.n.c.i.e.n.t. m.e.a.t. r.e.v.i.v.e.d. | a. t.r.i.b.u.t.e. t.o. c.o.l.d. m.e.a.t. i.n.d.u.s.t.r.y. (2016)
this morning i woke up in search of doom. i discovered grave upheaval has a new release, this compilation, 'a.n.c.i.e.n.t. m.e.a.t. r.e.v.i.v.e.d. | a. t.r.i.b.u.t.e. t.o. c.o.l.d. m.e.a.t. i.n.d.u.s.t.r.y.', released in august of 2016. c.o.l.d. m.e.a.t. i.n.d.u.s.t.r.y. was a record label run by a man named r.o.g.e.r. k.a.r.m.a.n.i.k., who released records, from the eary 80s through to recently, for the label, under the moniker b.r.i.g.h.t.e.r. d.e.a.t.h. n.o.w., in addition to releasing records by other carefully curated acts who's music bore something of an aesthetic similarity. the music in question encompasses power electronics, noise, dark ambient, death industrial and neo-classical. i'd first heard b.r.i.g.h.t.e.r. d.e.a.t.h. n.o.w. only recently, and decided their music was too bleak for my tastes. to put it another way, to my mind, heavy metal is to horror movies as b.r.i.g.h.t.e.r. d.e.a.t.h. n.o.w. is to snuff films. suffice to say, i found it quite interesting that this bleak heavy metal band, grave upheaval, along with a hand full of other metal bands, was part of a tribute record dedicated to the music released by c.o.l.d. m.e.a.t. i.n.d.u.s.t.r.y. listen for yourself, this record is wretched and bereft.
while on the subject of grave upheaval... later this very same afternoon, i learned that, in a lagoon in a park near my house this morning a bag was found floating, inside of which was a severed head. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/human-remains-found-in-mcKinley-par...
_queen's gambit declined