H.o.r.r.o.r. O.f. H.o.r.r.o.r.s. - 'S.o.u.n.d.s. O.f E.e.r.i.e.' (1994)
C.a.n.n.i.b.a.l. C.o.r.p.s.e. - 'T.h.e. B.l.e.e.d.i.n.g.' (1994)
Probly my favorite Cannibal album... last one before they booted their best singer outta the band.. so raw and intense and yet, since this is their fourth full length in four years (!!!!!!), this is the sound of a band in full command of their sound.
_DJ Alibi
M.o.r.t.a. S.k.u.l.d. - 'A.s. H.u.m.a.n.i.t.y. F.a.d.e.s.' (1994)
The excellend sophomore record by Milwaukee's beast, Morta Skuld... this bass work is some of my favorite in all of old school death.
_DJ Alibi
I.n.f.e.r.n.a.l. - 'D.r.o.w.n.i.n.g. I.n. T.h.e. C.h.a.l.i.c.e. O.f. S.i.n.' (1993)
M.o.r.t.a.l. S.l.a.u.g.h.t.e.r. - 'L.e.p.e.r.s.' (1993)
D.e.a.t.h. - 'I.n.d.i.v.i.d.u.a.l. T.h.o.u.g.h.t. P.a.t.t.e.r.n.s.' (1993)
M.o.r.b.i.d. A.n.g.e.l. - 'C.o.v.e.n.a.n.t.' (1993)
"Hey look, it's another one of those heavy-metal videos with a naked dude all curled up on the floor."
_DJ Alibi