D.r.a.g.o.n. - 'S.c.r.e.a.m. O.f. D.e.a.t.h.' (1991)
Truly strange Polish progressive death metal... sounds not quite like anyone else... I think I discovered this while going down a youtube rabbit hole late one night... truly wild musics.
S.o.r.c.e.r.y. - 'B.l.o.o.d.c.h.i.l.l.i.n.g. T.a.l.e.s.' (1991)
A.t.t.o.m.i.c.a. - 'D.i.s.t.u.r.b.i.n.g. T.h.e. N.o.i.s.e.' (1991)
Meanwhile in Brazil... these maniacs were writing some seriously eviscerating thrash... this tune Chainsaw is one of the best thrash tracks I've heard to date.
M.e.s.s.i.a.h. - 'C.h.o.i.r. O.f. H.o.r.r.o.r.s.' (1991)
A.n.c.i.e.n.t. R.o.t.t.e.n. G.r.a.v.e.y.a.r.d.s. - 'O.n.e. W.o.r.l.d. W.i.t.h.o.u.t. T.h.e. E.n.d.' (1991)
Post number 1700... have I really posted 1700 albums to this site? Some might say a waste of time. Others might say a collossal waste of time. These Finnish maniacs take the cake and i can scarcely think of a weirder heavy record more worthy of this milestone... especially since it boasts of a death thrash cover of 'Hey Hey My My'.
M.o.r.g.o.t.h. - 'C.u.r.s.e.d.' (1991)
N.o.c.t.u.r.n. - 'E.s.t.r.a.n.g.e.d. D.i.m.e.n.s.i.o.n.s.' (1991)
Did the opening theme to He-Man and The Masters of The Universe make you think that some seriously siniter music must be playing up in Castle Grey Skull when the sun went down? You are not alone. These Dutch Death Thrashers definitely felt that way too. And you know what? They didn't just sit at home on the couch and think about all this. They went out and they did something about it.
D.e.m.o.l.i.t.i.o.n. H.a.m.m.e.r. - 'T.o.r.t.u.r.e.d. E.x.i.s.t.e.n.c.e.' (1991)
Ripping Corpse - 'Dreaming With The Dead' (1991)
Erik Rutan's old band before he left to join Morbid Angel and long before he founded Hate Eternal and became a legendary death metal recording engineer... ripping death from Red Bank, New Jersey.