M.a.c.e.r.a.t.i.o.n. - 'A. S.e.r.e.n.a.d.e. O.f. A.g.o.n.y.' (1992)
Danish people excel at making death metal... this band features two members of the mighty Invocator.
_DJ Alibi
H.y.p.o.c.r.i.s.y. - 'P.e.n.e.t.r.a.l.i.a.' (1992)
D.e.m.i.g.o.d. - 'S.l.u.m.b.e.r. o.f. S.u.l.l.e.n. E.y.e.s.' (1992)
D.i.s.a.s.t.r.o.u.s. M.u.r.m.u.r. - 'R.h.a.p.s.o.d.i.e.s. I.n. R.e.d.' (1992)
Trust me when I say you need this putrid Austrian death metal record in your collection... another fine record that lives up to the deliciousness of the album cover.
_DJ Alibi
S.o.l.s.t.i.c.e. (1992)
Straight outta Miami...these riffs are outrageous... the vocals are more hardcore than I typically go in for... sometimes that leads me to feel like this music might be a slippery slope to pantera... but i'm rolling with it... two of these maniacs, the drummer and one of the guitarists, left this band right after this was recorded and joined Malevolent Creation and are on their record that came out this same year... when you hear both of these records you'll be liable to think that all these dudes did was eat sleep and rehearse all day... insane.
_DJ Alibi
M.a.l.e.v.o.l.e.n.t. C.r.e.a.t.i.o.n. - 'R.e.t.r.i.b.u.t.i.o.n.' (1992)
E.p.i.d.e.m.i.c. - 'D.e.c.a.m.e.r.o.n.' (1992)
T.o.r.c.h.u.r.e. - 'B.e.y.o.n.d. T.h.e. V.e.i.l.' (1992)
Evil Germin Death Doom... but don't take my word for it... just look at this band photo and tell me you don't wanna hang out with these guys...
_DJ Alibi
A.t.r.o.c.i.t.y. - 'T.o.d.e.s.s.e.h.n.s.u.c.h.t.' (1992)
The title of this German band's sophomore record translates to death wish. I read somewhere that this album was cited by Luc Lemay of Gorguts as an inspiration for their masterpiece sophomore record, The Erosion of Sanity, which came out in 1993. True or false, this is a strage record, and it rips.