C.h.e.m.i.c.a.l. B.r.e.a.t.h. - 'F.a.t.a.l. E.x.p.o.s.u.r.e.' (1992)
Meaty Belgian bass heavy death done right. This is a lesser known gem. Definitely an old school classic.
_DJ Alibi
M.o.n.s.t.r.o.s.i.t.y. - 'I.m.p.e.r.i.a.l. D.o.o.m.' (1992)
Behold that beautiful album art by the immortal Dan Seagrave and think to yourself, I wish the music contained in this record could live up to that splendor. Then give this great record a listen and call me on the phone. Monstrosity is/was a Florida death metal supergroup of sorts featuring past and future members of Malevolent Creation, Cynic and Cannibal Corpse. Good gravy this record slays. Oh man I just spent too much time on dan seagrave dot com and now I need to go to bed.
_DJ Alibi
D.e.m.o.l.i.t.i.o.n. H.a.m.m.e.r. - 'E.p.i.d.e.m.i.c. O.f. V.i.o.l.e.n.c.e.' (1992)
Unbelievably impossibly heavy. You wouldn't know it by that album cover. This is hands down one of my top five favorite thrash records I have ever heard. So aggressive and powerful. Representing New York City. Bang your head.
_DJ Alibi
C.a.n.n.i.b.a.l. C.o.r.p.s.e. - 'T.o.m.b. O.f. T.h.e. M.u.t.i.l.a.t.e.d.' (1992)
The best selling death metal band of all time world wide is also one of the most extreme. These Buffalo New York soldiers moved to Tampa, Florida to get in on the ground floor of death metal. This is their third studio album in as many years. Once I started seeing interviews of these guys from the early 90s is when I started to realize how legit this band really is. I had written these guys off and thought they must have sucked because of their name. Don't make the same mistake I made. Oh how these sickos slay.
_DJ Alibi
"Because of various complaints from teachers and parents who claimed Cannibal Corpse would be dangerous to children, the band had not been allowed to play any song from the first three albums live in Germany until the ban was officially lifted in June 2006. Nevertheless, several releases are still indexed/banned by the German "Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons". The records Eaten Back to Life, Tomb of the Mutilated, Hammer Smashed Face and Worm Infested are considered harmful to minors and may not be sold to them. Butchered at Birth, Created to Kill and Evisceration Plague are prohibited and may not be sold at all." -metallum
G.o.r.g.u.t.s. - 'C.o.n.s.i.d.e.r.e.d. D.e.a.d.' (1991)
One of the tightest and strangest bands ever to make their mark... this is the ripping debut by these Canadian original gangsters... recorded in Tampa at Morrisound Studios with the almighty Scott Burns.
_DJ Alibi
H.e.x.x. - 'M.o.r.b.i.d. R.e.a.l.i.t.y.' (1991)
M.o.l.e.c.u.l.a.r. R.e.p.u.l.s.i.o.n. - 'V.e.i.l. O.f. D.e.c.e.p.t.i.o.n.' (1991)
T.e.r.r.a.h.s.p.h.e.r.e. - 'T.h.i.r.d. I.n. O.r.d.e.r. O.f. T.h.e. S.u.n.' (1991)
Definitely discovered this on a youtube rabbit hole I fell down the other night... the uploader's description was really intriguing, so i am pasting it below... this thrash record is bonkers...